Electrical Tips For Your Home & Business

Your home is a valuable investment, and you need to take steps to maintain your home’s value while also making it a great place to spend your time in. If you’re looking for ways to accomplish both of these things at once, why not consider getting […]

The electrical wiring in your Des Moines home isn't usually something you think about until you attempt to use an appliance without success, and outlets are often to blame for these electrical problems. These complications often present serious hazards, so contacting your Des Moines electrician is […]

Every Des Moines homeowner should make sure that their homes have adequate surge protection, so you should ask your electrician about surge protectors if your house lacks sufficient surge protection equipment. Having a surge protector allows you to plug several appliances and devices into one power […]

Corrugated stainless steel tubing (CSST) is generally recognized as a yellow, flexible gas line installed to gas fireplaces, gas stoves, and gas dryers. CSST has been installed in most homes with natural gas or propane service since the 1990s. Early on, installers, city, and county building officials […]

When it comes to important systems in your home, your electrical system ranks right up there at the top of the list. Whether you realize it or not, your electrical system plays a vital role in you and your family's daily lives. In fact, it can […]

Your electrical system is easily one of the most important components throughout your entire home, and among all of the various components that come together to make up your electrical system, your electrical panel is, without a doubt, the most crucial element. Because your electrical panel […]

As a homeowner, there is going to come a time when you find yourself dealing with electrical issues of some kind, if you haven't already, and when that time comes, the best thing you can do is fight the urge to break out your tools and […]